Editors & Readers

Claire Harrison
Founder & Managing Editor
Claire is a commercial copywriter and author. She has a first-class honours degree and a Masters (distinction) in Creative Writing and has published three children’s books. Her prose and poetry have appeared in print anthologies and short story collections. Her plays have been performed at the Stroud Shakespeare Theatre Festival and script in hand at The Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham. Claire is a part time lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Gloucestershire and is currently writing a novel. Her work has been performed at Cheltenham Literature Festival and Stroud Book Festival. You can find her at claireharrison.blog on Twitter and on Instagram; @ClaireHWriter

Rebecca Klassen
Fiction Editor
Rebecca Klassen is an editor from Gloucestershire with a first class Masters degree in Creative Writing. Her stories have featured in publications that include Mslexia Best Short Fiction, Shooter, Popshot, Riggwelter, Ellipsis Zine, Well Read Magazine, Burningword, Barren, The Drabble, Jake Anti-Literary Magazine, New Feathers, Reedy Branch Review, Borderless, Literally Stories, Spell Binder, and The Wild Word. She has won the London Independent Story Prize for flash, and prizes with Gloucestershire Writers' Network and Dean Writers' Circle. She was shortlisted for the Oxford Flash Prize and the Laurie Lee Prize, and her stories have been performed at Cheltenham Literature Festival, Stroud Book Festival, and on BBC Radio.

Maura High
Poetry Editor
Maura High was born in Wales. As a child, she moved often, as her father transferred from one overseas military posting to another. She taught in secondary schools in Nigeria before emigrating to the United States. She now lives and works, as an editor and translator, in North Carolina. Maura won the Terrain annual poetry prize in 2002. A chapbook, The Garden of Persuasions, was published by Jacar Press, and other poems have appeared in online and print journals and anthologies. Her website is maurahigh.com.